“Do I need to have a virtual assistant website before I launch?”
“Do virtual assistants need websites?“
“What should a virtual assistant website contain?”
These are a few questions I get asked every now and then by new and aspiring virtual assistants.
Thing is, every virtual assistant business needs a website to attract ideal clients. You may have a well-designed website. But, is that website turning clicks to clients? If it is not as much as you wish, then read on.
Your potential clients will want to work with you if your website excites them. So your website has to communicate with your visitors.
Visitors check out websites the way guys check out good looking ladies. A lady may be good looking, alright. But when you talk to her and she isn’t exciting, you don’t want a date with her. You don’t want this with your website.
You’ll love your website visitors to be fascinated. You want them to learn more and go on to contact you. Won’t you be happy if they stay in touch and go on a discovery call ‘date’ with you?
So how do you set up your website to get potential clients to want to work with you?
Relax! Today is your lucky day. This post will reveal 12 things you need on your virtual assistant website to attract your ideal clients like nails to a magnet.
12 Things Your Virtual Assistant Website Must Have

1. A Static Home Page
A static home page allows you direct visitors exactly where you want them to go. This is because this is the only method that allows the content you put on it to stay the same.
My first website did not have a static home page. It was set to blog. So whenever I published a new blog post, that was the first thing visitors saw. Needless to say, I was leaving money on the table.
2. About Page
As much as you want your about page to be about you, make your ideal client the star. I remember my first about page, I wrote it in the third person, and used a lot of “We” and “our” even though I was a one woman show. It made me feel smart and important. So I chuckle when I read about pages that are written in the third person because most of them are typically written by the owner of the site.
That aside, your about page should be very simple and clear. Let your audience know who you work with, why you do what you do, what you offer and what they should do after reading the page.
PS: You need to figure out who you want to work with specifically (your best fit client or ideal client) before you write your about page.
Thankfully, you can grab a copy of my ideal client avatar workbook and know exactly the kind of person you should be trying to attract in your about page.
4. Services or Work With Me Page
You need this page on your website to promote your services. If you present your services neatly, your potential client will immediately know if you are the one to help them out. So when designing this, make sure you clearly outline your services. Don’t forget to add a clear call-to action prompting your prospective client to take the next step with you.
Your services page is a good place to display your rates.
5. You need a blog
My blog has been a huge part of marketing my business. Social media is not my thing and even if I know it’s importance, I struggle with it. That’s why I have my subcontractors help out with that so my clients stay happy. The organic traffic my blog generates is great.
A blog is an important part of any kind of online business. It helps you build your authority online while you sleep. Literally. It helps you create a connection with your potential clients before they even reach out to you. If you do it right, you can get lots of clients from a single blog post.
Imagine this: You wrote a blog post about ‘5 ways to design an eBook fast to build authority’.
A random person searching for ‘how to design an eBook’ finds your post, reads it and sees your call to action that says you design beautiful eBooks for clients so they click to learn more about you and eventually contact you. All this may happen while you are probably sleeping, eating or pooping. That’s the magic of a blog.
Speaking of ebooks, if you’d like a custom ebook template you and just copy and paste client text, add client branding and charge a lot of money for, then grab my Canva ebook template. You can even get social media templates to use to market your client’s ebook and charge them for it.
What can you blog about?
- Share case studies on how you have helped clients in the past
- Give advice that will be of benefit to your target clients
- Blog about your services
Read Also: How to write a pillar blog post on your virtual assistant website
6. Landing Pages, Lead Magnets and Sign Up Forms
You need to have a sales funnel in your virtual assistant business. A landing page is an essential part of a sales funnel. It always has a signup/lead generation form to help drive leads for a specific reason. You need to have specific pages to promote your offers. It could be a sales pages, freebie page, thank you page, opt-in page, etc.
When someone lands on your website and reads your blog, they might want your free digital product in exchange for their email address. The digital product is the lead magnet and the person who gives their email address is the lead.
So your lead magnet has to be something that would attract leads.
To build on the example I made earlier, you could create an ebook on ‘5 free tools to create a 3D cover of your ebook in 10minutes’ and link it to the post about ebooks.
People who are interested in learning about ebooks would easily give you their email address in exchange for your list of free tools to create their book can cover.
This will help you get people who are genuinely interested in your services on your email list. So that you nurture them, build the know like and trust factor and eventually sell to them.
Here’s the link again to get my canva ebook template so that you can create your lead magnet and attract you ideal clients ASAP
7. Legal Pages
You need a privacy policy, refund policy, disclaimer, disclosure etc. Legal stuff may seem boring but you don’t want avoidable legal issues. A random person might decide to sue you because you said you make $10,000 as a virtual assistant and based on your recommendations they tried to do the same and failed. That’s one of the many many reasons why you should promise NOTHING or even imply it. Your legal pages will back you up if you imply unknowingly.
8. Testimonials from Clients And Case Studies
Your virtual assistant website needs to showcase your previous success working with other clients. That is social proof. People want to see that other people already love your work before they commit. Strong testimonials will do your marketing for you even in your absence.
The result of showcasing testimonials is that prospects will be confident in your abilities.
If you don’t have testimonial and don’t know how to get great ones then you’d love my testimonial request kit.
9. Portfolio
Your virtual assistant website is a good place to host your portfolio. If you are new and don’t have any experience to put on your portfolio, then read up on how to create your virtual assistant portfolio even if you have no experience and no clients.
10. Photos (Your Photos, not just stock)
Your virtual assistant website surely needs photos of you. Not just stock photos. As a virtual assistant in Nigeria, if you must use stock photos, try as much as possible to stay away from stock photos of white people. Instead use stock photos of black and brown people.
Make sure you a pay a good photographer to take photos of you. It is a business expense. If you need people to pay you $10,000, you have to look like you already earn $10,000. Package yourself. You don’t need expensive clothes to take photos for your business. Some of the clothes I used for my brand photo shoot were thrifted.
People need to see your face on your website. They need to see who they are working with. It doesn’t make sense when they can’t put a face to who they are reading about. Invest in professional photos.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Get a copy of my list of 70+ Website to get amazing free photos
11. Prices
Have you ever looked at something you really want and don’t have the time or heart to ask for the cost because you assume it would be too expensive? Exactly.
That’s what happens when you hide your prices on social media or on your website.
Clients would rather work with clients who are clear about their rates and packages. Be clear about your services and programs.
If you can’t state all your rates, give a range. Say something along the lines of “”starts at”. If you’re not sure how to much to charge for your services you should read my blog post about pricing here
12.) It Must Be Responsive
What this means is that it has to look good on a phone, tab and laptop. It must be easy to people to navigate to where they want within your website.
What Does Your Virtual Assistant Website Need?
You’ve seen my list of 12 things your virtual assistant website must have to turn clicks to clients. If you include all these in your website, there’s no doubt your ideal clients will reach out to you very soon. What did I miss? Found this helpful? Share in the comments.
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