You just got a notification on your phone.
It’s a WhatsApp message.
Someone just asked you how much you charge for one of your services.
Sh*t! you have no idea
…. you go into full panic mode.
You realize you have no idea how much to charge for that kind of service.
“start a VA business” they said.
“you’ll be your own boss” they said
…they didn’t say pricing is hard.
You have started your VA business.
You bit the bullet uploaded a status about the services you provide.
Now what?
You remember Felicia, she’s a VA in the UK. So you rush to her website. She charges £50/hr
It’s a Nigerian brand so you multiply by exchange rate and it’s over 30k per hour
That wasn’t so helpful.
You know without a shadow of doubt that the brand doesn’t have 30k per hour to pay you.
So you reduce it to what makes sense.
$25/hr. That’s the average a VA should charge when you Googled.
Multiplied by exchange rate you get 12k per hour
Sounds good.
Now to steal all the clients, you slice it in half and get 6k/hr
All this time, the potential client is waiting for your reply.
Then you want to send it and realize they just need an ebook.
So will you tell them you charge hourly so it depends on how many hours you use?
WAIT. How many hours will it take you to design an ebook?
Will you price per page?
You’re confused and call you friend, Yemi – to hear her thoughts.
Her advice is to follow your heart🙄.
(Gee thanks Yemi..Soooo helpful)
You wonder if you should ask what their budget is?
It’s the client again
SHIT where is the time running to?
Over one hour already.
There’s no time so you just pick a figure
And then … with trembling fingers …
You click ‘Send’ on the WhatsApp chat
And slump into your chair with relief.
Oh oh!….. She’s typing. Your heart is racing.
Did you price too low?
What if it was too high and she wants to ask you if you think she has a money tree in her backyard.
So you stare at your phone for some seconds (which felt like hours) until you hear a notification alarm.
It’s a reply from your potential client.
You open it up …
And read the 6 words every business owner and their great, great grand-mother dread:
“I will get back to you”.
You feel weird.
Was 10k ridiculously low and they want to take advantage of you?
Or maybe it was too high and they are gone for good.
Should you reply and tell them you are open to negotiation?
You’re confused.
Well, if this scene sounds like something you’ve experienced (or something you DON’T want to experience), I have good news for you.
Because in this course, I’m going to show you how you can avoid ever having to face that scenario …
… by revealing the pricing strategy that makes under charging aka cheating yourself and overcharging aka chasing clients away clients a thing of the past.
Sound good?
Well, listen:
If you feel like a scam who’s making this ‘VA’ thing all up as you go along … odds are, it’s NOT only because your pricing is bad (there’s something else too).
Seriously. If you’re not feeling confident when you give a client a quote…
It means … you don’t know the value of the work you do.
It means … you didn’t find out what your potential client would pay for that kind of service* before you started marketing your services
(Yes, there are ways to find this out, down to the very amount your ideal client is secretly willing to pay. And no, it is not as simple as “just ask them what their budget is” or “look at what other VAs are charging and charge the same or a little lower” — I show you how to actually do it in this course).
It means ….you are being tossed like a feather in the wind and haven’t figured out the exact amount you should charge for each task.
And it means … you might even have been quoting amounts that a professional VA would never quote, and your clients have realized you have NO IDEA what you’re talking about.
So, forget about buying yet another ‘Virtual Assistant Bootcamp or Get Clients’ course.
If you still feel like a scam, even when you’ve already taken a bunch of ‘how to get a tsunami of clients’ courses, fix the ROOT PROBLEM: your pricing process.
And, admit it: right now, you hardly have a ‘process’ in place. Right?
Well, let me tell you what my pricing process USED TO be …
… I know it’s a lot like your current pricing process.
(This is an aggregate of most VAs, so maybe not every point is you … but I reckon most will be.)
Google. That’s a good place to start, right? Google knows everything. You go to Google and search … but the low end is 62,500 for a basic ebook. So much for that suggestion.
Next you try checking other virtual assistant websites. But none of them is reveling the exact price they charge for ebook design.
You’re getting a bit desperate.
Somehow, it’s not as easy as that ‘pricing for profits’ course
And then there’s the biggest question of all …
You research some more and everyone keeps telling you your prices have to come from you.
“How are you supposed to just come up with a number or method??!?”
Too many pieces of advice.
You wonder which path you’re supposed to take…
So you just copy prices and move on!
No wonder you feel like a fraud.
And no wonder every time you give a quote …
… you fear the nightmare of the reply from your client.
There are plenty of ‘packaging and pricing’ modules in VA courses, full of HELPFUL (🙄) tips like:
NEVER compromise on your prices, If they can’t afford your rates, let them take a hike.
Profile your target clients no information is unimportant- Do enough research. Know how much they earn, know what they eat for breakfast, the books they read. Know where they hang out on social media. Know the movies they watch. Find out how much they earn. How many kids they have and… stalk them … become friends with their friends, inherit their enemies… hack their phones… so you know how much they’re worth. THAT’S the secret to pricing for profits!
No, it doesn’t matter how much the client pays, just edit their work until they are satisfied. If they change their mind about anything three weeks later, say yes.
That’s good customer service at its peak.
Yeah … good advice?
TERRIBLE advice!
Well, fear not.
That’s where MY new course on pricing for virtual assistants comes in.
I’ve drawn on my years of experience working with online business owners and multiple hours of live 1-on-1 calls helping people like you, price their virtual assistant services.
And I’ve packaged the entire process of pricing into a course you could finish in an hour or two if you really wanted to.
In this course, I share my original 4 part system I call the MPFN framework which helps you decide if you should work with a client or not.
And my simple pricing method to help you figure out the exact amount to charge a client for a specific service. I call that one the STA framework.
I know. I suck at naming stuff.
Forget about the name.
This is as close as possible as you’ll get to a step-by-step system for pricing ANY VA service you provide (even if it is sourcing for photos of poisonous spiders on Facebook).
But here’s the important part:
This course is NOT just a list of actions, or questions to ask yourself.
I mean, I do show you every single step of the process.
Most course creators just wedge the whole pricing training into one module, name it ‘pricing for profits’ or ‘packaging and pricing’ and call it a day!
But that’s nowhere near all I have to show you in this course.
In fact, it’s probably not even the thing you will find most valuable.
The reason this course is different is that it is also …
Here’s what I mean:
We’ve already established that browsing multiple VA websites to spy on competitor prices is just NOT ENOUGH to give you the info you need.
And you price has to come from you
But … HOW do you know the exact pricing method to use based on your stage, location and service?
THAT is what is totally unique about this course.
Plus, it gives you a process for knowing exactly what to charge to do on any job. You get many options and then get the info you need to make a decision immediately.
So ZERO analysis paralysis
So … what’s inside the course?
I designed it for EASY consumption.
This is no ‘normal’ course … where I just screen record fluff for one hour per video. (so I can tell you it is packed with value).
I designed the content to be like the content you actually consume on your phone:
Short … actionable … and entertaining.
All the lessons range from 3 to 15 minutes in length.
The text is legible on a small screen
Lots of audio, about 5 videos, cheat sheets and templates.
And because it’s in your pocket — and not behind some course platform login on your desktop — you can take the course while you are washing plates … brushing your teeth … or …pooping.
Once you finish this course you will know with crystal clarity:
How to refine your business to look like a premium brand so you attract DEEP POCKET clients. (so you aren’t spending 20 hours a day cold calling and begging to work for free)
HOW to track your time in supporting clients and the tools and software available to make it x10 easier. (and which you can safely ignore)
The EXACT questions to ask your client when starting the job (so you don’t look like an idiot or opportunist later)…potential client questionnaire
Step-by-step instructions for what to do when you’re new and don’t know the first thing about pricing (so you remove that ‘I AM NAIVE, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME’ sign so many inexperienced VAs have, from your forehead).
And, you’ll also discover …
EXACTLY what to do when a client can’t afford your rates (so you still make money from them with minimal effort).
I’ll explain this a little more.
You see, one of the BIGGEST problems VAs have is when an amazing potential client can’t afford their rates.
It sucks when the client ticks all the boxes in your ideal client avatar (you even have the same sense of humor) except the budget box.
Well, with this course, that’s not a problem.
Because I give you a four part process to run a project by to see if you can do it or not. Regardless of the price.
Plus a three step process to make sure you get the client to commit
And you get exactly what to do to magically turn demanding clients into more money for your business.
It took me a LONG time to work this stuff out … and I think you will find my system extremely helpful and time-saving.
Okay, a few more things you’ll know once you finish the pricing course…
How to avoid being ‘tricked’ by clients into the rabbit hole of multiple revisions due to misleading feedback
How to tell people to shove their ‘payment-with-exposure’ down their throat like an 18th century Russian heiress
What goes into a package and what must absolutely stay out.
And … WHEN it is okay to spy on competitor prices and WHAT to do with the information you gather.
This is getting too long.
By now you know what you want.
You should get this course if you need help with pricing and packaging your services the right way.
It’s either you’re in or you’re not. This page is already at 2,079 words!
I’m done typing. Make that 2085!